So, it's already 2011. Alas, I have missed my own deadline of trying to get the revision of Tellings done before the end of the year 2010. Life, work, and the universe made it hard to find any time for the game. Plus, I did not want to do a hasty and sloppy job. So, the "20th Year Anniversary" edition will be a little late (hopefully sometime this year). In the meantime, I continue to play with my current Seattle table and I continue to make note of things I want to update:
--extend and develop those things that make Tellings--well--Tellings, softening the imprint of other games upon Tellings
--streamlining the skills and abilities list a little
--streamlining the Strengths and Weaknesses list a little
--reorient the magic system to improve flexibility and speed (thought keeping the difficulty about the same)
--streamline the spells list and prayers list
--continue to develop the game master's section